Consult the price per m2 immobilier Calais

​Annonces CALAIS LYON (69003) - MONTCHAT allows you to estimate the price per m2 of your house, apartment, Studio Pas-de-Calais on our department. This estimation tool is also suitable for all French cities and towns (Calais ...).

Consult price/m2

price/m2 CALAIS - sale

house / villa CALAIS (62100) Price/m2 CALAIS

Type ​Low average Average High average
940 €/m2 1 436 €/m2 1 954 €/m2

apartment / studio CALAIS (62100) Price/m2 CALAIS

Type ​Low average Average High average
1 037 €/m2 1 626 €/m2 2 333 €/m2

Trade CALAIS (62100) Price/m2 CALAIS

Type ​Low average Average High average
401 €/m2 765 €/m2 1 671 €/m2

land to build CALAIS (62100) Price/m2 CALAIS

Type ​Low average Average High average
58 €/m2 98 €/m2 120 €/m2
The robots of the ID Network have weighted the price per m2 of houses Calais for sale and the price per m2 of the apartments Calais for sale without exterior surfaces (land, garden, terrace, etc.)

house / villa CALAIS (62100) Price/m2 CALAIS

Type ​Low average Average High average
880 €/m2 1 355 €/m2 1 840 €/m2

apartment / studio CALAIS (62100) Price/m2 CALAIS

Type ​Low average Average High average
968 €/m2 1 571 €/m2 2 319 €/m2

Price Analysis m2 CALAIS (62100)

In May 2024, we can see that the prices m2 Calais (62100) vary according to the type of property and the exteriors of Calais (62100) (land, garden, terrace ...) that the ID Network has weighted for you.


For transactions carried out on Calais (62100), the price m2 Calais (62100) of houses / villas is in average of 1436 €/m2 included in a range going from 940 €/m2 to 1954 €/m2 excluding weighting of exteriors.
After weighting the exterior surfaces (land, garden, terrace, etc.) of the houses / villas in Calais (62100), the ID robots estimate an average price per m2 of 1355 €/m2 .


The price m2 Calais (62100) is on average 1626 €/m2 for apartments / studios and may vary between 1037 €/m2 and 2333 €/m2 excluding weighting of exteriors.
The ID robots have calculated the prices per m2 of apartments / studios Calais (62100) without external surfaces (land, garden, terrace ...) and obtain an average price per m2 of 1571 €/m2 .

All these prices per m2 are calculated in relation to the prices observed on the net for the last 6 months. This remains a benchmark to indicate a price range for the estimation of your property but does not replace a real estimate made by a real estate professional.

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